Aspect Visibility & Monitoring Capabilities

Real-Time Monitoring

Aspect offers robust real-time monitoring capabilities, ensuring you have up-to-the-second insights into your production processes. The real-time monitoring screen is updated every few seconds from the PLCMonitoring program, making it the default view for unattended factory computers.

Monitored Properties

Customisable Views

Each login can have unique monitored properties. Select fields from the “Available field” list and move them to the “Selected field” area. Fields can be reordered, with the top field representing the leftmost field on the monitoring screen.

Colour Indicators

Designed for managing by exception, out of tolerance values will highlight to draw attention, optimising factory performance.

Key Features

View by Area or Department

Filter and view data specific to different sections of your factory, allowing for targeted monitoring and management.

User-Selectable View by Exception Fields

Enhance situation awareness by highlighting critical data points, ensuring that important information is always visible.

Downtime Action Display

Shows actions taken during downtimes, providing a clear record of how issues are addressed and resolved.

Workstation Alert Display

Alerts for any issues at specific workstations, ensuring that problems are quickly identified and addressed.


Enhanced Visibility

Operators can see on their tablets what is happening at machines even 100 meters apart. They can also read comments from other shifts in Aspect, ensuring seamless communication and coordination.

Comprehensive Traceability

All actions, such as those taken to fix a product quality problem, are stored and can be reviewed later. This ensures that you have a complete record of all activities and can easily trace back any issues.

Performance Monitoring

Monitor out-of-tolerance critical performance values such as cycle time, reject rates, weights, yield, downtimes, changeover times, and utilisation. This ensures that you can quickly identify and address any performance issues.

Optimise Factory Performance

Aspect’s visibility and monitoring capabilities are designed to optimise your factory performance. By providing real-time insights and comprehensive traceability, Aspect helps you enhance manufacturing efficiency and achieve production optimisation.

For more detailed information, you can refer to our Case Studies and Testimonials.

Myth busting, extremely easy ERP and MES Integration with AspectPL

Myth busting, extremely easy ERP and MES Integration with AspectPL

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