Is fear of failure preventing Industry 4.0 technology from reaching your factory floor?

Is fear of failure preventing Industry 4.0 technology from reaching your factory floor?

Embracing Industry 4.0 technologies may seem like a daunting task – we are all scared of making the wrong decision. While Industry 4.0 might seem confounding to manufacturers, it doesn’t have to be. Even if your factory floor is currently managed manually, there’s nothing to stop you from catching up – and quickly – if you approach the challenge with the right mindset.

It might help to view Industry 4.0 not as a destination, but as a journey – which incorporates the latest manufacturing technology along the way.

This journey mindset will help you discover a variety of ways to improve your business. You’ll also free yourself up to focus on driving performance on the factory floor without the fear of failing to meet unrealistic expectations.

Every journey begins with a first step, but what does that mean for manufacturers? The best first step is to implement digital Manufacturing Execution System Software (MES) that improves your manufacturing processes through production visibility.

An MES like AspectPL, provides you with all the data you need to start your Industry 4.0 journey. It does this in real-time, giving you complete visibility of your business and its processes – as well as the insight you need to identify areas for improvement.

With an MES in place, it almost doesn’t matter what you think your next Industry 4.0 step is – the data will actually tell you. You’ll have a clear path ahead of you; one that sees you constantly improving processes as you journey along your Industry 4.0 path.

Implementing an MES can also kick start your business digital transformation, which – coupled with the right implementation approach – will win over your team on the factory floor. Engaging operators and empowering them with data gives operators a voice. This will demonstrate that people and technology are a winning combination that can dramatically improve productivity.

In any business, there will never be a moment in time where you believe your business no longer needs to change, upgrade and adapt, but taking that first step, such as implementing a manufacturing execution system (MES), will make your industry 4.0 journey easier.